Thursday, October 03, 2013

Inspection of Water Supply in slums along Jhalana Road, Jaipur...

“Water is the driving force in nature.”
 - Leonardo da Vinci

We're reaching the point where the Earth will have to end the burden we've placed on her, if we don't lift the burden ourselves. Every living entity on this planet needs water to survive if not anything else. Only about 0.93 % of water on earth is available for use in the form of ground and surface water.
Even this water is distributed very non-uniformly. There are people who do not have access to water to fulfill their basic daily needs and the situation becomes worse in the underprivileged and slum areas of our country. Pertaining to this, our team made a visit to a slum area along the Jhalana Road, Jaipur and assessed the availability of proper water in the area.
Only the inhabitants could provide us with the exact situation in the area as they are the ultimate users. On interrogation, we came to know that for an area with around 400 families, a one water tap was
not just enough. The timings of water supply were also inappropriate and most families have to rely on the stored water whenever they do not get the required quantity of water from the water tap. Hardness level in the water is on higher side as well. Lack of proper storage facilities leads to diseases as larvae thrive on the open tubs and other containers.
We came to know about them and their lives, their problems and our responsibilities. In an effort to find out potential solutions to their problems, we approached their ward representative and made him aware of the seriousness of the issue. A proposal was made to alter the supply timings as per the convenience of the inhabitants and to regularly treat the supplied water with bleach using a chlorine dispenser system. The inhabitants were made aware regarding the various ways they can use to make water fit for use. Ways to improve their personal hygiene and importance of storing water in closed containers was taught to them.
Our survey had a positive impact in the sense that we were able to persue both, people
and the authorities that collectively understanding their responsibilities would blow gyrating winds of hygiene and happiness in the area. As an initiative to provide the people with fresh water, we have decided to implant bio-sand filters in few homes of the area. We are happy with our efforts and keen to take necessary steps to make the living conditions better in the area as one should never mistake activity with achievement.

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